Section: New Results

Master-Slave Control Structure for MP-SoC Architectures

Our Synchronous Communication Asynchronous Computation (SCAC) model is a data-parallel execution model dedicated to the Massively Parallel System-on-Chip. This model proposes a novel control structure, referred to as master-slave control [11] . Its concept departs from the centralized configuration. However, instead of a uni-processor master controlling a set of parallel processing elements (PE), the master cooperates with a grid of parallel slave controllers which supervises the activities of cluster of PEs.

The control structure in SCAC model is presented by two hierarchical control levels:

  • The Master Control Unit (MCU), which controls the order execution in the whole system. It is a simple processor, which fetches and decodes program instruction and broadcasts execution orders to Slave Control Unit. It controls the end execution to establish synchronous communication.

  • The Slave Control Unit (SCU), which controls: local node and PEs activities, parallel instructions execution and synchronous communication. It is a crucial component in the master-slave control structure. The SCUs grid allows independent parallel execution.

The hardware architecture is composed of a single MCU and multiple Slave controllers (SCUs) combined with local processing element (PE) (or a cluster of 16 PEs), known collectively as Nodes. The MCU and SCU array are connected through single level hierarchical bus and the SCUs are connected together through X-net interconnection network [2]. This network is clocked synchronously with the SCUs and respectively with the PEs. SCU controllers in the grid care for the instruction execution activities that involve a large degree of parallelism and the communication activities that need to coordinate all the PEs in the grid. The structure of master-slave control should be distinguished from other hierarchical or clustered approaches proposed for parallel computing. Such proposals are usually motivated by memory latency considerations and the desire to build a scalable system. The use of two control levels is therefore visible to the user in its effect on the communication between various processors. With master-slave control structure, the PEs in massively parallel system can execute independently and then can communicate synchronously. Such a construction has the advantage of allowing the designer to optimize distinct processors for their intended tasks and to implement simple interconnection network without additionally buffers and complex routing algorithms.

The aim of these last works is to design a master-slaves control structure for SCAC architecture to allow autonomous processing with simple and regular communication. This control structure based on IP blocks which offers good flexibility and scalability was implemented in synthesizable VHDL code. It is simulated and synthetized for Xilinx Virtex q6 (XC6VLX240T) board. The difficulty of designing a master-slave structure is a compromise between an optimal execution time and high flexibility, while reducing power consumption and silicon area.